Things To Do Now For Post Covid Business

Things To Do Now For Post Covid Business

2020 has been a tough year for small businesses. It’s been one challenge after another. With so much unknown and so much extra time why not turn that struggle into success?  Now is the time to regroup and revamp. This is the perfect time to enhance your digital marketing, and redesign your webpage. There are quite a few reasons to redesign, here are 3 to consider:  

1 ) Your website isn’t mobile-friendly

In this day and age, your website will be accessed from many different mediums. Your current website might be outdated and lack the capability to support these A responsive design makes a website easily adaptable to fit the screen sizes of any mobile device. Also, Google will rank your website lower if it is not mobile-friendly.

2)Your web security needs improvement

One of the greatest concerns of our time is cyber security, and small businesses and entrepreneurs are just as susceptible to website hacking and viruses as larger businesses. If your website was built years ago and hasn’t been updated since you are at greater risk for hacking and malware.

3)Your website currently does not support a content marketing strategy.

Implementing content marketing as part of your marketing strategy can help you build trust, establish credibility and increase traffic and leads. If you are planning to implement a content strategy and your current website wasn’t built with that in mind, a website redesign can help make it easier for visitors to find your content, and for you to implement marketing automation. A new website will help you lay the groundwork and get you on the right path to successful content marketing.

Refocus and revamp with our help.  Reach out to Ohana digital-we are a digital marketing firm in the greater Philadelphia area. We can help you with website design, search engine optimization,  and pay per clicks. Enhance the future of your business with our expertise.